A closer look at the heart of Imagicle

  • Products Blog
    Imagicle Digital Fax is officially available inside the Webex Control Hub!
    Imagicle's is now the ONLY approved Digital Fax inside Webex Control Hub allowing a quick and easy configuration.
  • Products Blog
    Voice Analytics: tags and groups for better performance auditing.
    Voice Analytics has new tools to improve the organization of transcriptions: tags and groups.
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    Brochure Blog
    Imagicle applications for Microsoft Teams.
    Microsoft Teams: from calling platform to a 360-degree tool to handle your communications in the new digital era.
  • Products Blog
    AI Virtual Agents for Governments. Eliminating citizen complaints.
    Discover how Digital & Voice Virtual Agents can empower the PA and Governement machine to eliminate citizen complaints.
  • Products Blog
    Imagicle apps. Bringing value to your Webex Calling.
    Discover how Imagicle + Webex improve and streamline the experience of all users.
  • Products Blog
    AI Virtual Agents for Healthcare. Transform and simplify patient experience.
    Discover how Virtual Agents can relieve the stress of healthcare workers and give patients a better experience.
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    Brochure Blog
    Voice Analytics: from customers’ voice to business success.
    Discover how Voice Analytics technologies help your business grow through this in-depth brochure.
  • Products Blog
    Imagicle webinars. All the knowledge you need at your fingertips.
    Discover how we use webinars to keep customers and partners informed, updated, and engaged.
  • Products Blog
    Voice Analytics. Enriched with brand-new widgets and alarms.
    Our Voice Analytics is enriched with new, fantastic features for supervisors. Discover them all!
  • Products Blog
    Call Analytics for Microsoft Teams. An even more powerful integration.
    Imagicle Call Analytics can now monitor external calls in both Direct Routing and Operator Connect modes. Discover more.
  • People Blog
    Spreading the Imagicle love in the UK.
    What can Imagicle bring to the UK market and why should customers and partners choose us?
  • Products Blog
    Cloud or Dedicated Cloud. What’s best?
    You're migrating to the Cloud and you need to choose between a public or private instance? This article will help you.
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    Brochure Blog
    Imagicle applications for your Webex Calling.
    Download the brochure and improve your Webex Calling experience.
  • Customer success Blog
    Customer success: what it means and benefits.
    Customer success: what is it and why it matters? Discover why it's important to have dedicated resources.
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    Brochure Blog
    Are my communications safe in the Cloud? Imagicle Cloud Security Brochure
    Are your communications safe in the Cloud? If you choose Imagicle, the answer is yes. Discover why.
  • Release Blog
    Imagicle Spring Release 2022. Empowered integrations in the Cloud.
    It’s Spring Time and it’s also Cloud time: new integrations for Webex Calling, a dashboard for Voice Analytics, and... find out!
  • Release Blog
    Voice Analytics. Understanding agent performance.
    Discover the new Voice Analytics dashboard to enhance awareness and strategic use of data for supervisors.
  • Release Blog
    Webex Single Sign-On for Imagicle apps. Simplified access, increased security.
    With Spring '22, all Imagicle apps will be accessible through Webex's Single Sign-On. Find out how this make your life easier.
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