Secret ingredients behind happy applications.
The medals that matter.
Last year, the Covid pandemic impacted the world in a way that changed it dramatically, as well as our habits. Even the Olympic Games, organized for Summer 2020, were suspended (I seem to have written something about it) and some European championships too.
After more than one year we can almost move back to normal, but some habits have changed permanently, such as smart working. One of the major merits of this tough period is to slow down and reflecting on what matters.
As Imagicle, we kept our spirit high. After all, it’s one of our most distinctive traits: always focusing on making our customers, partners, and colleagues happy; staying close to them, and offering them our best efforts.
In the meantime, a brand new terrific website rose. A new space where our reflections have been shared with all the people we care about.
Among all those new pages, I’d like to highlight one in particular: our People page, where we share our values with the world.
What is “value”? A value is an ideal principle based on which the individual or the community regulates the choice of their behavior.
We identified four main topics which help us navigate our daily choices and the way we work.
Four buzzwords that like a compass show us the path:
- Happiness
- Commitment
- Passion
- Respect
We were born 11 years ago from a merger of two former Italian companies, Telcen and Stonevoice. Their fusion is known as Imagicle.
We started with two offices, one in Tuscany and one in Lombardy. But just after a few years, we opened another Italian office in Treviso and two offices abroad, one in Dubai and one in Fort Lauderdale (and these days, we’re setting up a further one in Riyadh). But not even all this expansion could make us settle. In 2021, Zucchetti Group – the primary Italian group in enterprise SW solutions – joined the Imagicle capital to boost our growth and allow us to offer partners and customers even more advanced technology, starting with artificial intelligence. All of these steps are summarized on our About page – where you can also be charmed by our smiles. 😉
We became an international organization with an Italian footprint.
We’ve understood since the very beginning that the key to success is teamwork, and with this idea clear in mind we shaped our vision and our purpose, and many other people decided to join us: a receipt made of pasta, coriander, ceviche, meat, and other tasty things.
By the way, care to join us too? 🙂
From the inclusion of many points of view, we’re conquering fields and acquiring strength, just like many Italian athletes (and not only) taught us this summer, the summer of the new beginning.
Only happy people can deliver exceptional, unique experiences that make people happy.
On July the 11th, the Italian national soccer team became the European champion, beating England in the final match. Not only a victory but a new way of interpreting the game, so much so that the Germans have coined a new word, Chiellinigkeit (from the surname of the team’s captain, Giorgio Chiellini). This word means „looking at things in a slightly lighter way. Be a little cheerful, a little serious, do your job in the best possible way, and have fun as much as you can while doing it“.
That’s how we work in Imagicle: always taking care of everything and everyone with a bright smile.
Dare to commit to exceeding expectations. Feel the joy of helping others. And never give up.
August the 1st, Gianmarco Tamberi won the gold medal for the high jump. In 2016, he suffered an injury that prevented him from participating in the Rio Games. But with tenacity and determination, he continued to train and brought the plaster cast with him as a talisman. The rest is history.
Every day we commit ourselves to reaching a centimeter higher.
We love what we do, what our people do, and we strive to make it better and better every day.
Most people have had a teen band to play with when they were younger.
Have you ever heard about Måneskin? Well, these 4 guys went from playing on the streets of Rome to winning Eurovision within 4 years. They’ve been the most listened-to band on Spotify worldwide for quite a while. Not bad for 4 guys who have made a job out of their passion.
Coding, supporting customers, delivering great solutions, talking to people. We adore what we do in every single way (even playing music, and we have all the instruments in the office!).

As humans, we understand the value of building trustworthy relationships.
Not only soccer excellency: Italy has also emerged as a harmonious team in the European Volley championships, both female and male. Teams in which each member understands their mates just with a quick look. Running to the same point, like the relay race, also won by Italy this long beautiful summer.
Respect for each person we deal with. Teamwork, trust, and long-term relationship.
We were born in Italy, but we understood immediately that the more people join us, the more we’re a winning team. We’re proud to talk many languages in our chats and workspaces, knowing different cultures, and build up new connections.
We shipped abroad our way to gesticulate, acquiring even more about a little thing called world.
Our vision is to simplify communications to enhance human relationships and we’re damn good at it. And in the restarting summer, we demonstrated what Italians can do with the help of the rest of the world.
The world is full of wonders and we never get tired of admiring them.
In the end, despite the tough period, traditions such as Olympic Games and international music festivals remained, while other things changed.
But we have a clear vision of our compass and we follow the tide.
And thanks to that, you notice, we won several times. And we have no intention to start losing.
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