Imagicle Middle East. Talent at the service of customers.
Hello everyone! Before we dive into the life and activities of my amazing team, let me introduce myself. My name is Huda, and I’m a Channel Sales Executive for the Imagicle Middle East team. I was born and raised in Saudi Arabia and my first job was in advertising and media, but there was a push in me that was hungry for a more challenging career. Pursuing a job in an international company where I could apply my educational background, I stumbled upon Imagicle. And so the story goes…
2015. Where it all began.
Imagicle was born in 2010 with the goal of making communications faster, smarter, and easier for people and companies worldwide. As business in the Middle East grew, we realized that proximity to customers was the only way of making a real difference: being immersed in the environment of our partners and customers – no matter if from the office or from home – is the only way to understand their needs, challenges and even their mood truly.
Some engineers and technicians started to make their way through the Middle East and in 2015 the first Imagicle Middle East office was born, in Dubai. We immediately implemented a long-term, crystal clear sales strategy that still follows us to this day.
Fast forward to today, we’ve become a growing team of 13 people, and we’re about to open the doors of a second office in Ryadh (Wanna get on board? Check our openings!).
About Imagicle Middle East: mutual growth for common success.
Working at Imagicle has been a really magical experience, so far. I’m one of the first employees in the Saudi office one of the youngest in the company: if working here can already be described as an adventure, you can only imagine how big the deal is for me!
In the few months I’ve been here I’ve learned a lot, but a few things really stuck with me.
Divide and conquer.
With global teams working hand in hand daily, we’re not only able to offer several local services, but we’re also able to create a strong sense of community between us Imagicle people even though not all of us officially met in real life. We have created such synergy and harmony among us that smart and traditional offices are 100% interchangeable, also thanks to the amazing work tools the company provides us with. This kind of cooperation is what gives us the means to:
- Answer to partners’ and customers’ daily queries in a quick and comprehensive way 24/7;
- Create a solid point of contact in the region that’s backed up by a worldwide team;
- Break linguistic barriers to serve the majority of customers in their native languages;
- Collect more feedback and point of views to implement the right innovation into our products.
After a hurricane comes the rainbow.
Another thing that I learnt from day 1, is that after the struggle and hard work there’s always growth and success, and that’s why you have to keep going. This is what Imagicle is really about: making people happy, no matter what. Following through is the key, and with it we will do a better job of finishing and closing the deal. And amazingly, we all do that in Imagicle. Even when things get more challenging than ever, we find a way to put a smile on our face and don’t give up, because we know the reward will always be bigger than the effort: job, personal and team satisfaction.
And that’s why I challenge myself to try and work harder in order to fulfill my goals and the company goals.
“I’m a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.”
Thomas Jefferson
A puzzle of talents to meet every customer and partner need.
Talking about my day-to-day activities, I coordinate with a skilled team of salespeople in order to be effective and yield rapid and accurate results.
As already mentioned, every theatre has its own unique needs and goals. The culture I live in in Saudi Arabia will always be diametrically different from the culture in Italy, and it’s important and beautiful to recognize and respect that. The whole point of having global teams resides in this very sentence: thanks to our local presence in the Middle East, we’re able to thoroughly analyze the market we’re in, personally feel the needs arising from it, and catering to them in the best possible way. As a sales Saudi person, I find that the most important thing for clients and partners here is building trust and having patience.
Sometimes time is not lost: it’s gained.
Salespeople happen to forget that they’re dealing with human beings who come to us for help and guidance. And what if you ask for help and guidance from a person who then turns out to be untrustworthy? Exactly: you turn your back and forget them. Dislike them, even.
That’s why building trust with your customers is crucial. Even if they’ve already said yes to you, follow up. Ask them how they are doing. Ask them if the product(s) delivered the way they wanted it to. Ask if they need anything else. And always, ALWAYS – be sincere about what you can and can’t do for them. The Imagicle Middle East team does business with these points in mind because remember: it’s always a matter of happy people, and in this scenario, we’re the ones who are in charge of making them happy.
Time in the Middle East is different than in Western Countries. If you’ve managed to earn the trust of your customers, it means that they will want to talk to you. Exploring all the possibilities and taking time to talk about non-business stuff in meetings is important to us, and it has to be respected and cherished.
Take time to really listen to who’s in front of you.
Real life scenarios: the move to the Cloud.
The majority of organizations in the Middle East are not ready to fly the Cloud hands-down. They need a progressive migration and reassurance that their communications will stay efficient and secure.
That’s one of the many reasons why Imagicle offers Cloud-connected services for your On-Prem UCX Suite: so that you can try first-hand the benefits of the Cloud while remaining on the ground, and you can decide when to take the leap. Go to the Cloud at your own pace: Imagicle will always be here to help you.
Our applications meet the needs of multiple sectors because we invest in them in the largest possible space and with attention to detail, and we place them in the hands of our customers to meet their needs at any time.
Imagicle develops software solutions to satisfy the UC needs of companies worldwide. Those solutions are tailored and customized to accompany different realities to reaching a common goal: making communications faster, smarter, and easier.
To achieve perfect synergy and let customers and partners know that we’re there for them every step of the way, the company has taken steps to be physically present in their main market. This investment has and continues to pay off as the number of our happy customers increases daily.
I’m one of the very lucky ones to be chosen from everyone who applied to work here, and that’s why I tell you to NOT stop and to strive to achieve your goals and be great.
In fact, why don’t you check out our vacancies at Imagicle right away?
Oh, and by the way, do you want to see the Imagicle world from yet another perspective? My colleague Darren covered the life of Imagicle USA last week. See how we do things over there in this article!
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