Riccardo Viviani
Product Owner - UCX Cloud Suite

Riccardo (Biondo for friends) graduated in Computer Engineering at Pisa University in 2004, following his passion for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, in 2008 he got a Ph.D. in Automation and Robotics with a thesis about teams of underwater self-driving vehicles.

His technical experience ranges from the deep sea to deep space: he worked on European Space Agency (ESA) projects dealing with satellite on-board data processing, and Italian Space Agency (ASI) projects aimed to predict fire evolution, exploiting artificial intelligence algorithms applied to satellite SAR images. He joined Imagicle R&D at the beginning of 2013, bringing his faith in Agile methodologies, and, together with Loris, successfully introduced SCRUM in Imagicle. During his free time, he loves running early in the morning and enjoying long hiking during the weekend; together with his wife’s family, he deals with a small farm and produces the sweetest chestnut flour ever tasted.

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